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The Meanings of Water in everyday life, Mesa Colorada, México, a local history

Art-Nr.: 9783961382378
Autor/in: Lourdes Sofía Mendoza Bohne
Seiten, Bindung: 349 S., Broschur
Jahr: 2020, Diss.
Preis: EUR 54.00
Versand: EUR 0.00
Lagerbestand: k.A.


Water utilization adopts cultural meanings and urban references when everyday life influences the habitus construction in a determined period of time The goal is to study the urban, social, political and symbolic dimensions of space, represented in practices and trajectories linked to the urban dimension and simultaneously represented as the local definition of this space in the sense where local is defined from the identity and the otherness. The aim of the analysis therefore, is to answer, how these elements constitute a culture in relation to urban, social and political spaces within a national security problem about water? How is a Water Culture formed?
I open the discussion explaining the multiplicity of discourses such allows to observe diverse meanings on their practices and representations narrating the local history from the arenas where water issues emerged from the perspective of the dilemma of abundance versus scarcity of water. In this sense, the local history of Mesa Colorada, Jalisco, pointed to a segregation development model to study.




Regionalgeschichte, Wasserversorgung, Wasserknappheit, städtische Gesellschaften, rurale Bevölkerung, Wassernutzung, Trinkwasser

Versandkosten: Inland: EUR 0.00
Ausland: EUR 0.00
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