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The Importance of Teaching as an Identification Mark of the Lutheran Church

Theological Education in South Africa: African, European, and Latin American Perspectives
Art-Nr.: 9783961384105
Autor/in: Detlef Schwartz
Seiten, Bindung: 132 S., Broschur
Jahr: 2024
Preis: EUR 24.00
Versand: EUR 0.00
Lagerbestand: an Lager


Detlef Schwartz, PhD, PhD, pastor emeritus and university lecturer, explains the need for teaching within the Protestant churches. As an example he ponders on the historical and cultural connections which have shaped the theology of the Lutheran churches. After having worked for some time in South Africa he is able to take a fresh look at post-colonialism and the implications of oppression and an unjust society.




Südafrika, Wissenschaft und Religion, religiöse Pädagogik, Prozesstheologie, S. Jones, Postkolonialismus, Antisemitismus


Versandkosten: Inland: EUR 0.00
Ausland: EUR 0.00
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