Schriften zur Rechtswissenschaft

Die Reihe Schriften zur Rechtswissenschaft wurden 1999 auf Initiative eines Dotoranden ins Leben gerufen und existiert bis heute fort.

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The Relationship between British and European Financial Supervision Law

On the Question of Future Post-Brexit Equivalence
Art-Nr.: 9783961382545
Autor/in: Tobias Bauerfeind
Seiten, Bindung: 124 S., Broschur
Jahr: 2021
Preis: EUR 22.80
Versand: EUR 0.00
Lagerbestand: an Lager


The dissertation addresses the equivalence regime in Union law. Although not new, Brexit has brought this legal principle into focus. The achieved results are, however, not limited to the (future) relationship between the UK and the EU. Rather, it provides fundamental indications on third country market access into the EU by examining Brexit. It is about whether equivalence can replace Single Market passporting rights, whether the numerous equivalence provisions can be systematised and to what extent trends in third country regulation can be identified.




Brexit, Äquivalenz, Drittstaatregulierung, Binnenmarkt, Finanzmarkt, Aufsichtsrecht, Unionsrecht

Versandkosten: Inland: EUR 0.00
Ausland: EUR 0.00
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