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On the Intangible Cultural Heritage: Chinese Tourism Development and Education

Art-Nr.: 978-3-96138-072-5
Autor/in: Xiaohuai Wu
Seiten, Bindung: 236 S., Broschur
Jahr: 2018
Preis: EUR 31.00
Versand: EUR 0.00
Lagerbestand: an Lager


By the end of 2017, there are totally 50 heritage sites in China were approved to be included in the World Heritage list by UNESCO, including 11 natural heritage sites, 35 culture heritage sites and 4 mixed heritage sites. China is ranked the second in the world according to the number. Increasing number of heritage sites come with more responsibilities for protection and maintenance. In accordance with the provisions of the World Heritage Convention, the applicant countries are supposed to carry out unified management, strict protection and scientific planning in order to achieve sustainable development. This book, which consists of six chapters and an episode, contributes to researches of Chinese intangible cultural heritages protection and tourism development from the perspective of community participation; product development; cultural heritage destination management; as well as researches and education.




Management; Fremdenverkehrsentwicklung; Kulturerbe; Volkskultur; Nachhaltigkeit; Tourismus; China

Versandkosten: Inland: EUR 0.00
Ausland: EUR 0.00
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